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CHINAR HAIR TRANSPLANT doctors recommend that all patients refrain from drinking alcohol for at least a week before a hair transplant operation due to the following reasons:
•    Chance of severe bleeding - alcohol thins the blood. This means that drinking alcohol increases the risk of heavy bleeding during and after a hair transplant operation, negatively affecting transplanted hair.
•    In addition to heavy bleeding after surgery, patients may also experience that healing takes longer, which increases the likelihood of infections and inflammation.
•    You may experience pain during the operation: the effect of alcohol on the body can interfere with pain relief during the hair transplant operation, which means that an additional dose of pain medication will need to be injected into the scalp.
•    In addition, alcohol dilates peripheral blood vessels. This has been shown to reduce blood flow to certain areas, such as the scalp, meaning the transplanted follicles will receive fewer nutrients from the blood, increasing the risk of surgery failure.

If you are planning a hair transplant, you must refrain from smoking or reduce the number of cigarettes you smoke at least a week before the operation. Smoking is not only harmful to the body as a whole. It also prevents you from achieving good results after a hair transplant procedure. Smoking harms transplanted hair because:

•    There is a deterioration in blood circulation, which negatively affects the healing process and lengthens it. The longer the skin heals, the higher the chance of infection, as it is easier for harmful particles and germs to enter the scalp.
•    If the skin does not heal well and the wounds do not heal, the crust and scabs on the scalp will last longer. It can also lead to the formation of denser scar tissue.
•    CHINAR HAIR TRANSPLANT doctors also warn that smoking increases the risk of skin necrosis (necrosis). The degree of necrosis depends on the number of cigarettes the patient has smoked in the past. It has been shown that smokers who undergo surgery involving large areas of skin excision (such as flap surgery) are at greater risk of skin necrosis after a hair transplant procedure.
•    Moreover, during the operation, the patient may experience heavy bleeding and excessive discharge, which will increase the time of the operation, which means that the hair follicles will be outside the body longer. The grafts can be outside for a maximum of six hours before being transplanted.
•    The viability of transplanted bulbs may be compromised due to reduced oxygen and nutrient supply. However, CHINAR HAIR TRANSPLANT specialists state that it depends on each person's health and how long he or she has been smoking.


It is important not to take aspirin and other similar medications before a hair transplant. Aspirin inhibits thrombogenesis (the work of platelets, the main blood cells that help stop bleeding), and this action can last up to 10 days, so taking aspirin before hair transplant surgery can lead to heavy bleeding during the procedure. That is why CHINAR HAIR TRANSPLANT clinic doctors recommend stopping taking aspirin at least 10 days before a hair transplant.


Certain foods such as green tea, nutritional supplements, vitamins and herbal preparations should be avoided for at least two weeks prior to hair transplant surgery as the substances they contain can increase bleeding and reduce the stability of the hair follicles in the hair. scalp.


It is necessary to stop taking drugs and use products that contain minoxidil (a remedy for hair loss) at least a month before a hair transplant. The fact is that minoxidil increases blood circulation, increasing blood flow to the scalp, and this can lead to severe bleeding during surgery.


Please wear comfortable clothing for the operation, such as a loose-fitting button-down shirt or sweater with a zipper, as well as loose pants or sweatpants. This will make it easier for you to dress and undress without touching your scalp.


It is very important to give yourself a whole day of rest before the operation and get a good night's sleep.

Do not cut your hair before the hair transplant as we will do it ourselves right before the operation in the hospital. Shaving will help to better assess the hair stock and determine the number of follicles that can be removed from the donor area; it also simplifies the process of extracting follicles and helps correctly determine the angle of extraction, which is of great importance for the success of the operation.


Please let us know if you are suffering from any medical conditions before coming to Istanbul for hair loss treatment, especially if you have diabetes or high blood pressure - this is very important to know in advance in order to properly assess your case. People with diabetes may have infections that need to be treated, as well as dermatitis, in which case the hair transplant operation will not be possible. 
Also, some types of anaemia can adversely affect hair transplantation. Hair loss can also be affected by ongoing surgeries, such as sleeve gastrectomy and gastrointestinal surgery. That's why it's important to let your doctor know about your medical history so that he or she can make an optimal assessment of your condition.

These are the main preoperative recommendations for hair transplantation. 
At CHINAR HAIR TRANSPLANT you will find the best specialists, equipment and technologies for hair loss treatment and hair transplantation. Please ask questions about treatment and contact us if you need more information. We will be glad to help you.


After Your Procedure:
The next day after surgery is considered your first post-op day.
Note: After a hair transplant, try to shower without getting water on your head or beard.


•    Try to avoid tilting your head or any tension in your head during the first week. Avoid exercise of any kind during the first week. Excessive activity can cause swelling, bleeding, and loss of grafts. Activity should be very minimal.
•    Bend only at the knees when lifting objects or tying shoes. Try not to bend your head down.
•    If you have a compression bandage, do not touch it until your visit to the hospital on your first postoperative day, it should only be changed or removed by our staff
•    Do not do any exercise or sports for the first month after surgery. Only one month after the operation, you can do light physical exercises, and after 2 months, strength training is allowed.
•    Do not go swimming in public places during the first month: sauna, jacuzzi, swimming pool, a thermal or public bath.

1. Antibiotics: Cipro 500 mg - should be taken in the evening after surgery (when you return to the hotel, take 1 tablet). You must take it 2 times a day - in the morning and in the evening after meals for 5 days.
2. Anti-edematous Prednol 16 mg (Methylprednisolone), you should start taking it the next day after the operation according to the following scheme:
•    Day 1 MORNING / AFTERNOON / EVENING one tablet each
•    Day 2 MORNING / EVENING one tablet
•    Day 3 MORNING / EVENING one tablet
In case of severe swelling of the head on the 4th day, continue taking the drug.
3. Cataflam is a post-surgery pain reliever. Take 1 tablet when you return to your hotel or if you experience any pain or discomfort.

How to wash your hair (or beard) in the first week:
You can wash your head (or beard) very gently 72 hours after the procedure: apply a special shampoo - Mossi on the entire head (or beard) covering both the transplanted and donor areas of the head, and leave the shampoo for 10-20 minutes. After that, wash off the shampoo from the transplanted area only with light touches of warm water, without pressure, almost without touching, but wash the donor area with smooth movements, as if stroking a little. The water pressure should be very gentle and do not allow shower spray to hit the grafts directly. This is most easily done by filling a container such as a large measuring cup or pitcher with warm tap water, and pour the water so that it falls first on the donor area of the head and then on the graft area, and letting the water run over the grafts, wetting the entire head. Let the hair dry on its own (do not use a hair dryer). Repeat this process daily.


There will most likely be some numbness at the transplant sites. It's normal for it to go away in six to eight weeks. Some patients may notice small areas on the head that will remain numb for up to a year.


Transplanted part: You should not cut your hair or shave until 6 months after the procedure. After 6 months you can cut your hair using only scissors. In a year you will be able to use the machine. Donor Part of the head: After 3 months, you can use only scissors for cutting. After 6 months, you can use the machine. You can also dye your hair as early as 6 months after the hair transplant procedure.


1. You will need to avoid direct sunlight or cold on your head for three weeks. If you need to wear any kind of hat or cap, then it should not be tight, only loose and wide so as not to come into direct contact with the grafted part of your head.
2. Avoid drinking alcohol for one week after the procedure.
3. It is possible that bleeding may appear during the first days after the procedure. Do not worry, this is quite normal.
4. Contact us if you feel any of the following:
•    Temperature (above 38 0С)
•    Pain is not relieved with pain medications
•    Redness on the grafted site or donor area
•    Unexpected swelling
•    Severe bleeding
•    Dirty drainage
•    Constant nausea and vomiting or any other problems
•    Avoid any intimate intercourse (or ejaculation) for 7-10 days after the procedure.

What to expect:
*After 2-4 months: You may already see some hair growth, but itching in the recipient area or discomfort in the donor area may still be present.
*After 4-6 months: you will already be able to see your first hair growth. It will be 20% of the expected.
*After 6-8 months: You will be able to see a significant change as by the 8th month approximately 80% of the hair should have settled down, but again this will only be 50-60% of the final visual effect.
*After 8-12 months: the final result will be reached since this is the amount of time that must pass for the transplanted hair (grafts) to finally take root.

by JA® digitalbureau

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